New Generation Publishing



                                                                                          Easy, Hands On Electronics Books



                                                                                                          Second Edition




A Practical Handbook to

Analog Electronics




Copyright © 2005, 2012 -2nd edition by Alireza H. Fassih



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ISBN 978-0-9776054-8-4 / 0-9776054-8-5






The main purpose of this handbook is a HANDS-ON APPROACH in learning analog circuits.

In each section, an analog component is introduced and then a software/hardware circuit will follow. The software circuit can be implemented by electronic circuit design and simulation software such as Multisim ®.


The main goal of this handbook is to create a vast visualization of the working function of the analog electronics circuitries. Based on my experience in teaching electronics, students had more problems with setting up the hardware circuits than software circuits. Therefore, one of my main intentions in writing this handbook is to guide the students through setting up a complete wiring of the circuits.


This handbook is a COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE of the practical working of the analog circuits and can be used as analog electronics textbook/lab manual in analog electronics course.  








Chapter 1: Diodes        



1.1         Ideal Diode  


1.2         Silicon Diode  


1.3         Light-Emitting  Diode (LED)  


1.4         Zener Diode  



Chapter 2: Diode Applications  



2.1       Half-Wave Rectifier  


2.2       Full-Wave Rectifier  


2.3       Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier     


2.4       Capacitor-Input Filter  


2.5       Power Supply  


2.6       Positive and Negative Clippers     


2.7   Positive and Negative Clampers  


Chapter 3: Transistors        



3.1         NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)    


3.2         NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor as a Switch  


3.3         NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor as an Amplifier  


3.4         N-Channel Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)  


3.5    N-Channel JFET as a Switch  


3.6    N-Channel JFET as a Constant Current Source  


3.7    N-Channel JFET as an Amplifier  


3.8    N-Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)  


3.8.1 N-Channel Depletion-Mode Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET (D-MOSFET)  

3.8.2 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET (E-MOSFET)   


3.9    N-Channel E-MOSFET as a Switch   



 Chapter 4: Operational Amplifiers          



4.1         The 741 Operational Amplifier (Op Amp)  


4.2         Comparator  


4.3         Non-inverting Amplifier   


4.4         Inverting Amplifier    


4.5         Summing Amplifier   


 4.6    Differential Amplifier  



Chapter 5:Timer And Its Applications  



5.1         The 555 Timer  


5.2         The 555 Timer in an Astable Multivibrator circuit 


5.3         The 555 Timer in a Monostable Multivibrator circuit  


   5.4    The 555 Timer in a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator circuit



Chapter 6: Voltage Regulator 




6.1         LM78XX  Fixed Voltage Regulator    


   6.2    LM317 Variable Voltage Regulator